Simple Ways to Have a Sustainable Christmas
Ahh its that time of year again, and after spending it away from loved ones and friends last year, it is hard not to go overboard this year. While we want to spoil those who are special in our lives to show how much we appreciate them, we can do so and still stay true to consuming less.
Gift an experience
While kids always enjoy toys, there is always a chance that more than one person has thought of the same thing, or that the potential recipient already has it. Tickets to an age appropriate play, movie tickets, or any local Adventure park are great gifts and will create memories that can be treasured.
Gift a service
Free babysitting for a night, offering to cook a favourite meal that your friend loves, voucher to your friend’s favourite mani/pedi or for a blow dry at their favourite salon are special gifts that tell the receiver you care about them
Zero waste gift hamper
For someone who is starting their eco journey or has shared that they are thinking of the environment, a starter kit is a great way to share the experience of products that have worked. Browse our Hampers and Gifts on for ideas or to curate one.
Christmas Lights
Make sure your Christmas lights are all working and put them on a timer so they switch off when you go to bed. This will ensure that you are not wasting electricity when no one can see them.
Party Planning
When shopping for gifts or consumables, make a list so you stick to your plan and don’t end up buying on impulse. Check your list for what you already have in your pantry so you don’t end up buying more of an item you use only once a year. Cook in batches and this will help you be better prepared for those in between days too so you can heat up leftovers when you’re wiped out from the previous days’ entertaining.
Real or Fake Christmas Tree
The debate of whether a real tree or a fake one has been discussed endlessly, but I would say, if you have a fake one, use it for as long as you can. If you plan to get a real tree, compost it after so that it returns to nourish the soil, or get it from a retailer that will accept it after the holiday season.
Tree Ornaments and decorations
Our church does a fantastic Advent workshop where kids create Christmas ornaments and we treasure those year after year. The children love decorating the tree with their masterpieces and what could be cuter than sharing the stories of when they made them.
Christmas cards
Plantable Christmas cards are great, but if you get a bunch of Christmas cards from colleagues and friends that have glossy paper, you can still save and use them as gift tags next year. Shop plantable Christmas cards at
Gift Wrap
At our house, we started using plain brown paper to wrap gifts and the kids have a ball colouring the wrapping. We use Kite brown paper packing tape which is biodegradable. Some brightly coloured string ties it together and you can use some festive holly or pine cones for decoration. Cloth to wrap gifts, which can be used again and again is called Furushiki and originated in Japan and is a time honoured tradition.
Photo by Irina Iriser from Pexels